Photo credit: www.flickr.com/photos/58739058@N07
Pistachios are usually eaten raw or are enjoyed roasted, salted or sweetened. As other nuts, pistachio is very rich in nutrients, which makes it a perfect evening snack and a healthy touch to your dishes. Pistachios are very rich in B group vitamins, vitamin C, E and A, minerals such as iron, magnesium, potassium and copper and are cholesterol free. Pistachios are the richest source of potassium of all the nuts, 60 grams of pistachios provide more potassium than a medium-sized banana.Their content of monounsaturated fat helps to reduce your bad cholesterol levels in the blood and elevate the levels of the good one. Antioxidants like Vitamin C and E will help your body to neutralize free radicals that can cause cells damage and will protect your cardiovascular system. Pistachios are also a great ally against high blood pressure, but you need to eat raw pistachios, not roasted ones, if roasted they have to be unsalted. For those who suffer from hypertension, diabetes or obesity salted pistachios should be consumed in moderation. Pistachios are high in calories (600 calories per 100 grams) and are a great source of energy, so it is absolutely recommended to eat pistachios in case of fatigue, physical activity or during periods of stress, As other types of nuts pistachio has a high density of fiber and it is very helpful if having constipation problems, but not recommended in case of colitis or other colon diseases. Lots of studies confirm that eating foods high in fiber reduces the risk of colon cancer. Pistachio contains selenium that together with Vitamin E helps to reduce skin inflammation and the appearance of scars.
An important long-term woman’s health study conducted by researchers at the Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston showed that the woman who ate 30 grams of nuts, two or more times a week had a lower risk of pancreatic cancer than those studied who did not eat nuts at all.
Pistachio is used in a variety of recipes as a condiment, in sauces (See Pistachio Pesto in out Recipe section), meat dishes but also as an ingredient for cakes, ice creams, and cookies or as a perfect match added to Italian Mortadella. Pistachio is used to prepare Baklava, a Turkish delight made of sweet pastry filled with pistachio, cashew nuts, and almond. Try also Pistachio oil, used as a table oil to add flavor to your favorite dishes and it is very helpful in case of dry skin.