Photo credit: Tella Chen
Eat Breakfast as a King
As in any other diet, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is absolutely wrong to skip breakfast if you are trying to lose weight or not. Skipping breakfast will make you eat more food at the next meal, and as some studies have shown, you will add more body fat by eating larger meals three times a day, then eating small meals 5 to 6 times a day.

Photo credit: BrunoGirin
The best thing to do if you are on a diet is to eat smaller meals 5 times a day and the biggest meal of the day should be the breakfast. Eating breakfast will give you enough nutrients and energy to face the day and as we know that some fruits can act as mood enhancers, so preparing a healthy breakfast based on fruit and whole grains is the best thing to do for a good start of the day. The old adage says, as you may know it: “Eat Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince and Dinner like a Pauper” so stuck to that and you will feel stronger and healthier. The truth behind this adage is as said before, eating a larger meal in the morning will give you enough energy to face the day and eating smaller and lighter meals for dinner will give your gastrointestinal tract the time to digest the food before going to bed. Because eating larger meals for dinner and going to bed after it can lower down your metabolism (the body cannot use all the energy so you will tend to gain weight also) and it can cause indigestion and insomnia. If you give a look at Mediterranean diet it is not so low in calories, but it is about what you eat and not always about how many calories you take. One melon has a similar amount of calories as one small portion of french fries or a muffin, for example, but muffins or french fries won’t give you as much nutrients, vitamins, minerals and fibers as a melon, it won’t make you feel full as a melon and you will feel hungry sooner. But don’t waste your time on calorie counting, just eat small portions of healthy food and you will lose weight in a much easier way without having dietary deficiency problems. Give it a look at this study: NCBI

Photo credit: Tella Chen
Mediterranean Breakfast
Mediterranean breakfast is based on low-fat milk and yogurt, fresh seasonal fruit, whole grains, biscuits, honey, fresh juices and much more. So here are some examples of the Mediterranean breakfast:
- A glass of fresh orange juice, 50 grams of rusks with 15 grams of fruit jam with no added sugar and a cup of coffee.
- Low-fat Yogurt (Greek yogurt) with pieces fresh seasonal fruit, two biscuits and a cup of coffee or tea with a teaspoon of honey.
- Low-fat yogurt with a portion of whole grains or sunflower, linen and sesame seeds. One portion of fresh seasonal fruit and a cup of tea or a coffee without sugar.
- Greek pancakes with seasonal fruit and honey. Cup of tea or coffee without sugar.

Photo credit: Upendra Kanda
- Egg sandwich with a glass of fresh fruit juice.
- Italian frittata (Recipe) and a cup of coffee.
- 30 grams of nuts, honey and a portion of fresh fruit. Cup of coffee or tea without sugar.
- Vegetable muffin with a glass of low-fat milk and a cup of coffee.
Always mix by yourself fresh fruit with white yogurt, rather than buying fruit yogurts because they are loaded with sugar. Absolutely avoid adding sugar into any drink or meal, if you cannot drink tea or coffee without that sugary taste try adding a teaspoon of honey.
See our recipe page for more delicious Mediterranean breakfast recipes.