- Paris was originally a Roman city called “Lutetia”.
- In the city of Paris there is only one stop sign.
- Fist licence place was introduced for the first time in France.
- The Louvre museum is the most visited art museum in the world.
- About 20% of the French territory is outside of Europe.
- With more than 83 million visitors in 2012, France became the most visited country in the world.
- The flag of the Kingdom of France was plain white from 1814 to 1830.
- In France, the law allows marriage with a dead person.
- Citizens of France consume more antidepressants than any other country in the world.
- French toast isn’t really French, the legend has it that the American Joseph French who advertised the modern toast as “French toast” never learned to use to use an apostrophe “s.”
- During the WWII, when Hitler visited Paris, the French cut of the lift cables on the Eiffel Tower, so he would have to climb up the steps if he wanted to reach the top of the tower. In the end, he never visited the Eiffel Tower.
- Since its construction in 1889 more than 250 million people have visited the Eiffel tower.
- France uses 12 different time zones, the most of nay country in the world, thanks to its overseas territories.
- In 2012 was finally repealed a law brought in 215 years ago which formally prohibited woman from wearing trousers in Paris.
- The distress code “Mayday” comes from the French for help me – M’Aide.
- There are more than 800 different types of cheese made in France.
- France won the most Nobel Prizes for Literature of any country (13).
- In the region of Normandy and Brittany, the tides are one of the strongest in the world. The level difference is up to 15 meters.
- Paris is also called “The city of lights” with more than 300 illuminated sites.
- French people have one of the highest life expectancy in the world, highest female and third male life expectancy in EU.