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Lemon Facts
- Lemons are thought to be a hybrid between a citron and a sour orange.
- Lemons are one of the nature’s top sources of potassium and Vitamin C.
- Lemons have just 11 calories and around 50 mg of Vitamin C per 100 g.
- Citric acid makes up to 8 % of lemon juice and it gives lemons a sour taste.
- China is top lemon producing country in the world.
- The heaviest lemon was recorded in Israel in 2003 with a circumference of 74 cm and-and it weighed more than 5 kg.
- The lemon tree is an evergreen, it produces fruit all year round.
- A mature lemon tree can produce more than 50 kg of lemons a year.
- Its origin is unknown, but it is thought that they originate from India and China.
- In Europe, lemons entered first in Greece and Italy around the first century AD.
- Christopher Columbus brought first lemon seeds to Haiti in 1493 and its cultivation in the New World.
- The name “lemon” derives from the Persian word “limun”
- There is a famous school experiment where several “lemon batteries” can power a small digital watch by attaching electrodes to a lemon.
- During the European Renaissance, ladies used its juice to redden their lips.
- Menton, a small city on the French Riviera became famous for its Lemon Festival (La Fête du Citron) which draws more than 200.000 visitors each year.
Lemon Uses
- It can stay fresh for up to six weeks if stored in the refrigerator.
- Squeeze lemons, remove all the seeds and pour the lemon juice into the plastic ice bags or into an ice cube tray and freeze it for later use.
- You can use it to treat acne simply by slicing open a lemon and rubbing it gently across your face.
- Drop 3 lemon tree leaves in 300 ml of boiling water, turn off the flame and leave it for 10 minutes, strain out the leaves and enjoy your relaxing lemon tea.
- Its juice and leaves are also a good choice when making a marinade.
- Use its juice mixed with water in an equal amount as an anti bacterial gargle.
- High acidity levels of lemons can erode tooth enamel, so don’t use it to whiten your teeth as many advice it as homemade teeth whitener together with baking soda.
- Drink lemon juice with warm water in the equal amount in the morning to naturally treat gastritis.
- Drinking lemon juice with warm water on an empty stomach will also help your body to eliminate toxins and cleanse the liver.
- Lemon juice can stimulate the metabolism and aid digestion. It very is efficient if having constipation problems.
- It can be used to treat the common cold or the flu. Prepare some fresh lemon tea, add lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey if having the flu and drink it at least 3 times a day.
- Its juice is a perfect solution for a sore throat.
- Some studies have shown that drinking a glass of lemon juice and warm water in the morning can help to reduce body weight and lower your bad (LDL) cholesterol levels.
- Lemon zest is used to flavor baked goods, juices and numerous dishes, but remember always to use fresh organic lemons that haven’t been treated with chemicals. Lemon peels contain more vitamins and minerals then the juice.8
- Candied Lemon and orange peel can be a perfect sweet snack.
- Rub some sliced lemon on you skin to make acne scars and marks gradually fade away.
- If you need to strengthen your nails and whiten them, use olive oil with few drops of its juice 4 times a week.
- For brightening silver or copper cookware use sliced lemon with baking powder.
- Lemon peel is effective in absorbing smells, so place some lemon peel in your fridge and leave it for a day or put a glass of its juice in the fridge for a few hours.
- Prepare some homemade furniture polish with few drops of its juice and half of a cup of olive oil.
- If you have problems with ants or roaches entering your house, put some lemon peel near the door entrances or wherever they enter the house.
- Lemons are great to exfoliate your lips. Slice open a lemon and rub a few drops of lemon juice on your lips.
- After cutting up onions or garlic, rub some lemon on your hands to take the odor off.
- To prevent or treat travel sickness suck on a slice of lemon.
- For cleaning your kitchen surfaces rub it with a slice of lemon, which has some exceptional antibacterial properties.
- Spray some lemon juice mixed with warm water on your face daily to reduce wrinkles. It is full of antioxidants which will help in maintaining your skin young and healthy.
- With its antioxidant properties, lemons are used as a preservative on certain types of food that when sliced tend to oxidize and become brown such ad bananas and apples. Spray it on the fruit when preparing some delicious Macedonian salad.
- Dried lemon peels make an excellent fragrant fire lighters.
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